Fall Rates at Champion Hill – Benzie County

Fall Rates at Champion Hill….
Sept 7 thru Sept 30
9 Holes walking $16
9 Holes With Cart $22
18 Holes Walking $27
18 Holes With Cart $39
Twilight after 3:00 PM
9 Holes walking $14
9 Holes With Cart $20
18 Holes Walking $24
18 Holes With Cart $34
Junior and Senior Rates Mon – Thurs*
9 Holes walking $15
9 Holes With Cart $21
18 Holes Walking $23
18 Holes With Cart $35
Oct 1 to Closing
Fall Special
9 Holes walking $14
9 Holes With Cart $20
18 Holes Walking $24
18 Holes With Cart $36
Replay Rate $20 18 Holes all Season
*Juniors 17 or younger and Seniors 60 or older